There was a phrase from my childhood that always sent me into shivers and convulsions: Hand-me-downs. Whenever I overheard my mother talking to my aunt about hand-me-downs I knew it meant I’d have to wear that awful, oversized Mickey Mouse shirt that my older cousin, a person devoid of any sartorial sense, flaunted like a victory flag. Or my older neighbor’s baggy, gray pants that were hand-me-downs to him. Ugh!

My only consolation was I would soon outgrow those hand-me-downs and maybe get some brand new clothes of my own. You see, our desire for something new is present from a very early age (sustainable fashion proponents take note).

Hand-me-downs are still with us and, if I’m honest, I probably overreacted to them a bit when I was young. But hey, I’m the boy who sat out an entire Little League season because the uniform they gave me was too shabby.

The older version of myself now recognizes hand-me-downs as a good thing for our environment. And relatively recent variants of the concept such as vintage clothing and thrift shops have actually become popular.

What I’m writing about today is another form of hand-me-downs – the noble act of passing well-tailored and well-constructed clothing from one generation to another. They are heirlooms, not hand-me-downs. A couple of sport coats that were once belonged to my father are perfect examples.

Both of these sport coats were hand made in the clothing factory that employed him as a designer. The tailoring is impeccable. I inherited them after he passed away. They still look great and are very versatile.

The black sport coat dressed up with a Canali tie.
The black sport coat dressed down with a nice ascot.

As you consider your next clothing purchases, consider quality garments that can be passed on to future generations. It’s a beautiful, meaningful gesture that’s also good for our environment.

By the way, I still firmly stand behind my decision to sit out that season of Little League.

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